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  1. URL: https://goir.telangana.gov.in.
  2. Note: No field is mandatory. However, for quick results select any particular filed of choice for quick search results.
  3. Department: Select department from the drop-down list. If No department is selected, the System will display GO's of all the all the departments for the current calendar year will be displayed.
  4. Section: Select Section from the drop-down list. If No Section is selected, the System will display GO's of all the Sections of the Selected Department.
  5. GO Category : From the drop-down list select categories of GO's.
  6. GO Type: Select GO type from the drop-down list. If No GO type is selected, the system will display all types of GO's.
  7. GO Number: If you know GO Number mention it in the field.
  8. GO Date: If you know the GO date, enter 'From' date and 'To' date in DD/MM/YYYY format (For example, 01/03/2007 for 01/March/2007). Alternatively, you can enter a date range i.e. between ‘From’ and ‘To’. If you keep ‘To ’ blank, the system will display GO's up to the current date.(OR) Also, you can select Year from the dropdown box.
  9. Subject Search Text: You can enter keywords pertaining to Subject of the GO to narrow the search. Text Body of the GO will not be searched for the keywords entered.
  10. The search Results will display the records satisfying the search criterion in a tabular format.
  11. Click Download“"icon in the result table to download the GO, also multipul GO's can be downloaded by clicking on the checkbox and click on Download button at the bottom of the table.

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